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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.26.19.008


Bagaeva, Marina V. , Sukhorukova, Yulia Y. , Damalaeva, Aida T.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 19.
The article is devoted to the sociological study of family values. At the moment,
the family is a fundamental socio-cultural institution, which is designed to be
an effective tool for humanizing and uniting society, reducing and overcoming
interethnic tension, achieving civil harmony, socialization of the individual,
and liberal interaction in a multinational society. The most powerful tool for
transferring values from fathers to children is the family. They perform one of the
most important functions: consolidation of the society, which as a result helps
in the fight against social tension. For the functioning of Russian society, one of
the important elements of self-organization, the basic fundamental condition is
the family. According to the results of the study, the author concluded that the
absolute majority of respondents, namely 96.7%, noted that they fully or to some
extent trust their family members, which is quite expected, because the family is the
main and most important social group for most members of society, and the very
existence of the family directly depends on trust between its members. From time
immemorial, the family has been one of the most important elements of global
development. In absolutely every state, the family is given preference, and it acts
as an eternal value not only for an individual, but for the whole society as a whole.
The normative acts prescribe the principles for strengthening and protecting the
family not only by society itself, but also by the state, through the state national
family policy. The family occupies a constitutive place in human social relations.
Society, like the institution of the family, is evolving and undergoing significant
Keywords: family, values, society, sociological research, survey.
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For citation: Bagaeva, M.V., Sukhorukova, Y.Y., Damalaeva, А.T. The Family Values. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2024, iss. 19 (26), pp. 107-123. (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.26.19.008
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