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The editorial board of the journal accepts original scientific articles corresponding to the direction of the journal and reflecting the results of the author's independent research. The volume of a scientific article is from 24,000 to 45,000 printed characters with spaces (from 12 to 22 pages), the volume of messages, reviews, notes is from 12,000 to 20,000 printed characters with spaces (from 6 to 10 pages). Materials should be sent to the editorial board as electronic document in rtf or doc format by e-mail: izvestiya-soigsi@mail.ru (file name: Author’s Surname_Title of the article.rtf).

A separate file contains the surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position of the author, the full name of the institution where the work was performed, the email address and contact phone numbers of the author, the title of the article (in Russian and English); file name: Author’s Surname_Information about the author.rtf

The electronic version of the manuscript is provided in the Word editor, the font Times New Roman, font size 14; line interval 1.5; page numbering is at the bottom, right; page fields: left 3 cm, right 1.5 cm, upper and lower 2 cm; paragraph indent 1.25 cm. The text should be formatted in width and not contain forced word wrap and tab marks.

Illustrative material should be included in the body of the article. Illustrations (graphic or photographic images) should be black and white, clear, contrasting, with a clear transfer of all details. Tables and figures must be numbered, references in the text to tables and figures are mandatory: (fig. 1); (table 1). Tables should be provided with headings that are placed above the table (size of the pin – 12, line spacing – 1, center alignment), figures – captions (italics, size of the pin – 12, line spacing – 1, center alignment).

Bibliographic references are given in the order of mention at the end of the article and are arranged in the text by end-to-end numbering in square brackets with a comma-separated indication of the cited page or sheet (for archival documents), while the letters "p." or "sh." are not put: [1, 17]; [25, 25-27]. When citing again, the serial number of the publication, by which it has already been indicated in the bibliographic list, is given.

It is not allowed to put several publications under the same number. In case of several links, each of them is indicated in square brackets separated by a semicolon: [8; 9] or [10, 12-27; 11; 12, 44].

It is recommended to indicate no more than 30 publications in the bibliographic list and avoid excessive self-citation (no more than two references are allowed as self-citation).

Notes and comments should be placed at the end of the text before the bibliographic list. The list of notes is numbered manually, while the corresponding note number in the text is also entered manually using the "superscript" option (x2) in the Word redactor.

The article should contain the following arranging elements:

– full name of the author and title of the article (in Russian and English);

– a detailed abstract (in Russian and English) – 200-250 words, containing information about the relevance of the problem under consideration, the scientific novelty of the work, the purpose and methods of research, the results obtained. Abstract should give a complete picture of the study;

– keywords or phrases (5-7) (in Russian and English). The Russian version of the abstract and keywords is placed in front of the article (italics, size 12, line spacing – 1). English version of the annotation and keywords – after the Russian–language list of references (italics, size 12, line interval – 1).

– list of references and sources with all output data: author's full name (in italics), place of publication, publisher, year, volume (book, part, etc.), issue number (for an article), total number of pages – for monographs and collections, page range – for articles.

The bibliographic list is presented in two versions: 1. in Russian and 2. transliterated with English translation (References). The transliterated list is drawn up with 12 pins, single-space, and placed after the English-language block with an annotation and keywords.

For Russian-language publications the following variant of the structure of the bibliographic reference in the transliterated list (References) is recommended:

for monograph / collected articles, and the like:

Author(s) / editor(s) / compiler(s) (transliteration, surname separated from initials by comma). Title (transliteration in italics) [Translation of the title into English in square brackets]. Output data (city, publisher – in transliteration), digital data (year, pages).

for articles

Author(s) (transliteration, surname separated from initials by comma). Title (transliteration in italics) [Translation of the title into English in square brackets]. The title of the source (transliteration in italics) [Translation of the source title into English in square brackets]. Output data (city, publisher – in transliteration), digital data (year, pages).

! Please note – the elements of the bibliographic description are separated only by dots and commas, other characters (//, ; :) not used (see the examples below). It is also necessary to disclose abbreviations in the indication of the place of publication (Moscow, St. Petersburg, London, etc.).

! If the publication is printed in the publishing house of a scientific or educational institution, the name of the institution in English should be indicated in the bibliographic description. The names of other publishers are transliterated.

! In the Russian-language bibliographic list, titles of publications in other languages should be given in Cyrillic; in the transliterated list – in Latin with obligatory translation into English in compliance with all the above requirements.

! Surnames of foreign authors do not need to be transliterated, they should be written in the language of the author.

! It is mandatory to use systems for automatic translation of Cyrillic into the Roman alphabet, not to do transliteration manually. This will avoid transliteration errors. Correct transliteration of the bibliographic list is necessary to get into foreign analytical databases. Transliteration of the text according to the BSI (British Standards Institution) standard used for the correct translation of Russian letters into Latin when making a bibliographic description of scientific publications. To transliterate the Russian text into Latin in accordance with the BSI standard, you can use the link https://translit.net/ru/bsi/. In the list of suggested actions, select "In translit" ("В транслит").

Cyrillic transliteration – BSI standard

а – a                  

к – k                  

х – kh

б – b

л – l

ц – ts

в – v

м – m

ч – ch

г – g

н – n

ш – sh

д – d

о – o

щ – shch

е – e

п – p

ъ – ''

ё – e

р – r

ы – y

ж – zh

с – s

ь – '

з – z

т – t

э – e

и – i

у – u

ю – yu

й – i

ф – f

я – ya

Exceptions: spelling of some surnames (for example, the author steadily transliterates his surname in another way or there is a certain tradition) and geographical names (we recommend referring to reference books).

Examples of exceptions:

Vygotsky, Brushlinsky, Petrovsky, Yaroshevsky

Leontiev A.N., Rubinstein

Kazan, Kharkiv, Nalchik, Perm, Ryazan, Tver, Yaroslavl, etc. (omitted soft sign symbol)

Moscow (not Moskva), Rostov-on-Don (not Rostov-na-Donu) St. Petersburg (not Sankt-Peterburg), Yekaterinburg (not Ekaterinburg).

All materials submitted to the editorial board of the journal undergo mandatory scientific examination (including verification in the system "Antiplagiat"). In case of receiving a negative review, the author is given a reasoned refusal to publish the article.

! The article should be carefully verified and edited. The authors are fully responsible for the correctness of the bibliographic references used in the article. In case of non-compliance with the requirements for the design of articles, the editorial board reserves the right not to accept such articles for consideration.

The opinions expressed in the articles reflect the personal views of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with the point of view of the editorial board of the journal.

If there are still difficulties when making an article, we recommend that you refer to articles from the latest issues of the journal for clarity.


1. "KAVKAZ-FORUM" open access academic journal.

2. The manuscripts of science articles and materials are considered, if they are corresponded to the all requirements for publication in the journal.

3. All received materials are reviewed internal by the highly qualified researchers of the Institute which have a science degree in relevant fields of science. If necessary, the article is reviewed by an external expert.

4. Experts affiliated at other academic or high school institutions carry out reviewing of articles by employees of the Institute.

5. The reviewing of manuscripts is anonymous.

6. If review is positive, the material is accepted for publication in order of priority. A decision of publication is accepted at the journal’s editorial board’s meeting.

7. If the reviewer has questions, the editorial board sends them to the author with an indication of the essence of the required corrections for appropriate revision.

8. If the expert agrees with the author’s emendations the material admits ready for publication. If the expert finds the emendations do not meet the essence of the remarks made the material is removed from further consideration.

9. The material is removed from further consideration if the author refused its reworking.

10. If the reader takes a negative decision on the manuscript, the author receives motivated refusal to its publication.

11. The fee for the publication of materials is not charged.

12. The reviews are stored by the editorial board for 5 years. The reviews’ copies send to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on request.

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