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"KAVKAZ-FORUM" is a periodical academic journal of the North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Research named after V.I. Abaev.

The journal was created in 2020 as a common platform for publishing materials of the traditional conferences of the Institute, which have already become a kind of scientific hallmark known to leading Caucasian scholars in Russia and abroad (“All-Russian Miller’s Readings”, “Nart’s Studies at the Turn of the XXth-XXIst Centuries”, “Guriev’s Readings”, “Genealogy of the Peoples of the Caucasus. Traditions and Modernity”), as well as other (unscheduled) scientific events organized by SOIGSI.

KAVKAZ-FORUM, therefore, is the successor to the publishing traditions of the Institute, an integrating successor to the above-listed publications of the same name, previously published as independent scientific journals.

KAVKAZ-FORUM is a multidisciplinary scientific publication in the field of social and humanitarian knowledge, hosted on the RSCI platform.

KAVKAZ-FORUM aims to promote the development of fundamental knowledge in the field of Social sciences and the Humanities on all issues of modern Caucasian studies. The journal specializes primarily in publishing articles on History, Archeology, Historiography, Source studies and methods of historical research, Ethnology, Epigraphy, Theoretical, Applied and Comparative Linguistics, Media communication and Journalism, Folklore, Art history and a number of other humanitarian disciplines. The journal also considers and accepts for publication interdisciplinary materials (historical-ethnographic, cultural-anthropological, ethno-sociological, etc.).

The journal publishes materials on the following specialties:


5.9.1. Russian literature and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (indicating a specific literature or group of literatures)

5.9.4. Folklore

5.9.5. Russian language. Languages ​​of the peoples of Russia (indicating a specific language or language family)

5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics


5.6.1. National history

5.6.4. Ethnology, anthropology and ethnography


5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes


5.5.1. History and theory of politics

The geographical coverage of publications has no restrictions. The journal accepts articles by scholars from all over the world. Texts are printed in Russian, English or Ossetian. The expansion of the authorship and readership, as well as the strengthening of international cooperation, is facilitated since Russian- and Ossetian-language texts are supplied with the abstracts, keywords and background information in English.

The journal is open to new authors and to the dialogue of opinions. Publication of analytical texts of high scientific quality is ensured by "blind" review of manuscripts submitted to the editorial office.

The journal is published 4 times a year.

Release dates:

No. 1 - until April 1

No. 2 - until July 1

No. 3 - until October 1

No. 4 - until December 25

There is no fee for the publication of articles and for access to the full-text version of the journal.

More detailed information about the interests of the journal and the rules for formatting materials can be found in the "MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION OVERVIEW" section.

ISSN 2687-0754.

Subscription index ПН352

Distributed by subscription, not available for free sale.

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