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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.25.18.007


Aleksandrova, Lada Y. , Antimenko, Anna R. , Bogdanova, Elizaveta A. , Zvezdina, Anastasia O. , Myachina, Arina D.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 18.
This article considers the creation of an inclusive environment in museums
as an indicator of tolerance of museum culture in our country. Special emphasis
is placed on the need to adapt museum spaces and exhibits for visitors with
disabilities. The authors, being students of Novgorod State University, are
developing a project that will create three variants of an excursion adapted
for children: with visual impairments, with hearing impairments, with mental
disorders. The project is being implemented on the basis of the Children’s
Museum Centre, or rather an open museum space called «Boy Onfim’s Town».
In this museum space there is an excursion «Toys for Onfim», which the authors
are actually adapting as part of their activity. Students assume that such
activities contribute to the formation of professional competences of future
speech therapists. During the development of the museum project, the authors
had an opportunity to master a number of such competences in different areas:
diagnostic and prognostic, corrective-developmental and socio-communicative.
In the article the authors emphasise the importance of interaction between the
museum and the university for the creation of new successful projects. Close
cooperation has already been established between the authors and the museum
staff, which allows both parties to gain new experience in the field of museum
art and defectology, respectively. The article also notes the role of the Novgorod
State United Museum-Reserve in the development of the region and its special
attention to children, including the Children’s Museum Centre, which holds solo
and thematic exhibitions, master classes and other events for children. However,
the authors note that the emergence of new resources in the museum centre
requires a new inclusive approach.
Keywords: accessible environment, children with disabilities, adaptation of excursions, project activities, interaction with the museum.
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For citation: Alexandrova, L.Y., Antimenko, A.R., Bogdanova, E.A., Zvezdina, A.O., Myachina, A.D. Museum Projects as a Process of Mastering Professional Competencies. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2024, iss. 18(25), pp. С. 104-115. (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.25.18.007
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