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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.27.20.004


Ktsoeva, Sultana G.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 20.
The article is a verification of the messages of Vs. F. Miller concerning the
characterization of Tutyr as the patron of wolves in the Ossetian ethno-religious pantheon.
According to Vs. F. Miller, both the name of Tutyr and his functional features go back to
the Christian holy great martyr Theodore of Tyre, however, neither Vs. F. Miller nor V. I.
Abaev provide any supporting data on the connection of Theodore of Tyre with wolves,
and thus it turns out that the only thing that definitely connects Tutyr with Tyr is the distant
similarity of the names. Thus, one of the objectives of the article is to analyze the crossreligious
«kinship» of Tutyr and Theodore of Tyre. When characterizing the features of Tutyr,
Miller mentions that among the Muslim part of the Ossetians, the patron of wolves was
associated with King Herod without specifying which biblical Herod is being discussed. In
this regard, another objective of this study is to find an answer to the question of which of
the Herodian kings was perceived as the prototype of Tutyr, as well as why this unexpected
association became widespread in the Muslim part of Ossetian society during the period
when Vs. F. Miller lived and worked. The novelty of the research topic is due to the fact that
the image of Tutyr as a sacred character of the Ossetian ethnoreligious pantheon has never
become an object of study in this vein, and this assertion of Miller has never been reviewed.
Keywords: Vs.F. Miller, Tutyr, Theodore Tyrone, King Herod, Ossetian religious tradition.
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For citation: Ktsoeva, S.G. Tutyr: essential identification in the context of Christian and Muslim parallels. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2024, iss. 20 (27), pp.72-81 (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.27.20.004
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