DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.27.20.002
Gostieva, Larisa K.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 20.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the cooperation of V.F. Miller with representatives of the Ossetian
intelligentsia in the field of Ossetian studies. The publications of the scientist, to which the
Ossetian intelligentsia made their creative contribution, are consistently considered. The
main assistants of V.F. Miller in the work on his book «Ossetian studies» are identified, their
contribution to the collection of linguistic, folklore and ethnographic materials is specified.
The value of folklore texts published for the first time by V.F. Miller in the Digor dialect of
the Ossetian language for the development of Ossetian linguistics is noted. Several folklore
collections published by the scientist are considered, which include folklore materials
collected, among others, by representatives of the Ossetian intelligentsia (S.A. Tukkaev, I.T.
Sobiev, K.S. Gardanov). Some instructions for collecting materials that V.F. Miller gave to his
assistants are listed: analysis of Ossetian names, fixation of words of the pastoral lexicon,
clarification of toponymic names and the location of Christian churches and their ruins,
ancient burial grounds on the territory of modern Karachay, collection of statistical data on
the total number of Ossetians in the Tersk region and beyond. The history of the creation of
the «Ossetian-Russian-German Dictionary» by V.F. Miller is traced, to which a large number of
like-minded people from representatives of the secular and spiritual intelligentsia of Ossetia
made a huge contribution. V.F. Miller’s activity in coordinating local history work in Ossetia is
highly appreciated: providing local historians with programs for collecting linguistic, folklore,
ethnographic materials and scientific works of the scientist, consulting, posting articles sent
by local historians in various scientific publications, etc. The importance of friendly relations
between the scientist and the Ossetians based on mutual trust is shown. The conclusion is
made about the fruitfulness of V.F. Miller’s scientific ties and cooperation with representatives
of the Ossetian intelligentsia in the field of scientific Ossetian studies.
Keywords: V.F. Miller, Ossetian studies, ethnography, folklore, Ossetian intelligentsia, cooperation, Nart legends.
Download the full text For citation: Gostieva, L.K. V.F. Miller’s Cooperation with representatives of the Ossetian Intelligentsia
in the field of Ossetian Studies. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2024, iss. 20 (27), pp.42-54 (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.27.20.002
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