DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.27.20.014
Tsallagova, Iskra N.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 20.
Abstract: The article is devoted to some particular issues of verb word formation in the Digor
dialect of the Ossetian language. To date, in both dialects of the Ossetian language, both in
Iron and Digor, three main ways of verb formation are defined: prefixal, analytical, prefixal-
analytical. This study is devoted to the analytical and prefixal-analytical way of verb word
formation in the Digor dialect of the Ossetian language. The relevance of the study is due
to the growing interest in modern linguistics in various issues of the grammar of the Iranian
languages. In recent years, a fairly large number of works have appeared devoted to the
current state of the Ossetian language. Meanwhile, many issues related to the Ossetian
verb have not been sufficiently studied. It should also be noted that most of the existing
works are devoted to the Iron Ossetian, while the Digor material in them is given only as
illustrations to certain theoretical calculations. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that
the work represents the first attempt to determine the word-formation models of analytical
and prefixal-analytical verb word-formation in modern Digor, to consider their typology
and features of functioning in the living speech of speakers. The purpose of the study is
to determine the main word-formation models of analytical and prefixal-analytical verb
word-formation in the Digor dialect of the Ossetian language. The main research methods
are the descriptive method, the structural method, the typological method, the method
of component analysis, the formalization method, and the introspective method. The
structural and typological analysis of the spontaneous speech of Digor native speakers
showed that the analytical and prefixal-analytical methods of word formation of verbs
are quite productive in modern Digor. In addition, based on the lexical and grammatical
affiliation of the nominal component of the analytical verb, the following word-formation
models can be distinguished: noun + verb (kænun «to do», un «to be»); adjective + verb
(kænun «to do», un «to be»); adverb + verb (kænun «to do», un «to be»); periphrastic forms
of the verb.
Keywords: Ossetian language, Digor dialect, verb, analytical method of word formation, prefixal-analytical method of word formation.
Download the full text For citation: Tsallagova, I.N. Types and Structure of Analytical Verbs in the Digori
Dialect of the Ossetian Language. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2024. iss. 20 (27), pp.24-34 (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.27.20.014
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