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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.26.19.003


Turgieva, Zarina A.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 19.
Historical scholarship over the last centuries has witnessed a steady interest
in Scythian, Sarmatian and Alanian issues. Various aspects of history and cultural
heritage are studied, including issues of origin, ethnic and military history,
economic, socio-political and cultural development. However, the name of
Tamerlan Bekirovich Turgiyev, a well-known archaeologist who made a significant
contribution to the study of Alanian problems, is hardly mentioned among the
numerous scholars of Alanian studies. Unfortunately, his main works have
not been published; there is practically no information about him in the public
domain. The purpose of the present research is to highlight the scientific and
professional activities of T. B. Turgiyev; to determine the scientist’s contribution
to the investigation of history and culture of Alania; to restore and preserve the
name of Tamerlan Bekirovich in historical science, including among specialists in
Alanian studies. Personal history as a genre is gaining scientific popularity; the
study of the activities of the scientists who have left a significant academic legacy,
allows both to fill the ‘white spots’ (lack of information about major specialists)
and to draw the attention of the scientific world to a number of relevant to date
issues; to introduce previously unused materials into circulation. In the article,
based on the materials of the SOIGSI Scientific Archive, the archives of the State
National Museum and the family of T. B. Turgiev, we have managed to reconstruct
the main part of the scientist’s biography, highlight the results of his research
activities, and establish the circle of scientific contacts. In short, everything that
can represent the scientific novelty of the research. In order to achieve this goal,
we applied traditional methods of historical science, as well as the method of
intellectual history.
Keywords: Ossetian history, T.B. Turgiev, biography, research activity, scientific expeditions, the Scythians, the Sarmatians, the Alans.
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For citation: Turgieva, Z.A. Tamerlan Bekirovich Turgiev and his Contribution to the Study of the History and Culture of Alania. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2024, iss. 19 (26), pp. 34-64. (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.26.19.003
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