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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.25.18.003


Burkov, Sergey B.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 18.
In 1958-1966, burials with gray-clay ceramics and four-legged vessels were
found in the Fortanga river basin and near the village of Bamut in Chechnya.
In 1976, similar ceramics, but with 3 legs, were discovered in mounds near the
village of Dzuarikau. They were accompanied by other finds that have analogies
in the so-called «Sachkhera» antiquities, as well as other artefacts related to the
‘survivals’ of the late «Maykop» and the North Caucasian cultural and historical
community. Subsequently, in 1988-1990, the author’s excavations in the vicinity
of Achkhoy-Martan and Bamut villages discovered new burials with ceramics of
the same series, but without legged vessels. They contained fragments of late-
Mycopean amphorae of the «Dolinsky» type, ornaments of the «Sachkhera» type
and incense burners of early forms. Until recently, all these materials were used
mainly to construct typological schemes and establish a stratigraphic position for
the mound materials of the transition period from the Early to the Middle Bronze
of the Eastern Caucasus. However, no detailed analysis of the two ceramic series
was carried out, which did not allow us to substantiate the range of possible
analogies among the synchronous antiquities of the region, as well as to approach
the solution of the problem of their ethnocultural origin. After analysing in detail
both the published data and the materials of the field reports, it was possible to
establish that, despite all the external similarities, both groups of ceramics differ
noticeably from each other. This may indicate both the different cultural traditions
underlying their manufacture, and indicate the initial zone of formation of this
unusual shape of vessels. The studies have established that gray-clay ceramics
from Chechnya were largely formed on the basis of the traditions peculiar to the
monuments of the final stage of the Early Bronze Age of Dagestan. Complexes
from Republic North Ossetia-Alania containing «tripods» were formed with minor
participation of the late Kuro-Arak ceramic traditions, and more noticeably –
under influence of cultural groups with ceramics with a corded ornament of the
initial stage of the Middle Bronze Age.
Keywords: Bronze Age, mound, burial, tripod, vessels on legs, ornament.
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For citation: Burkov, S.B. Ceramics of the Cultural Groups with Legged Vessels from Chechnya and Republic North Ossetia-Alania. General and Special. KAVKAZFORUM. 2024, iss. 18(25). pp. 48-65. (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.25.18.003
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