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DOI: 10.46698/g1700-5012-0854-x


Bagaev, Alan B.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 2.
In a traditional society, the values cultivated by male communities have a
significant impact on the formation and development of the individual, which in
turn affects the development of the whole society. For this reason, the study of male
subcultures of the past is of great importance. A subculture never emerges from a void,
it is always based on an earlier culture, the transformation that it actually is. In this
regard, to understand the laws of development of modern society, a comprehensive
study of the subcultures of the past is necessary. This article discusses the shepherd’s
subculture in traditional society based on Ossetian material. In the past, this was one
of the stable and widespread male professional subcultures among the Ossetians. It
had a significant impact on many aspects of the spiritual and material culture of the
Ossetian people. Scientific novelty is determined by the fact that this work is the first
comprehensive study of the shepherd’s subculture among the Ossetians. Sources for
the development of the problem posed were ethnographic material, folklore texts,
and Ossetian language data.
During the study, the stereotypes of the shepherd’s behavior, as well as the
traditional norms on which the interaction between him and the livestock owners
were based, were examined. The size and forms of remuneration for the work
of a shepherd in various Ossetian societies are established. original terms to
designate a shepherd, depending on the animals shepherded are highlighted. The
shepherd’s attributes and features of the shepherd’s costume among the Ossetians
are determined. Religious magic rituals practiced by shepherds to preserve the
herd are revealed. The musical folklore of Ossetian shepherds and its religious and
magical functions are determined. This problem requires further in-depth studies
of all the aspects considered.
Keywords: shepherd’s subculture, Ossetian shepherd, shepherding, shepherd, shepherd’s rite, shepherd’s attribute, shepherd’s crook
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