DOI: 10.46698/s7077-2537-2745-a
Szabó, Géza
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 2.
Abstract: Broad-mindedness and erudition allowed Vsevolod Fedorovich Miller, taking
into account the history of the Iranian peoples living in the west, paid attention
to the Sigins of the Danube region, mentioned in chapter 9 of Book V written by
Herodotus. Miller’s attention was drawn primarily to this Iranian ethnic group,
because, according to relevant sources, they came from the Medes and even
dressed similarly to the Medes. In light of the discoveries made in the Carpathian
basin, Miller’s remark about the Sigins and Middle Sarmatian-Ossetian kinship,
clarified by V. I. Abaev, also raises other interesting questions regarding the Ironian
and Digorian dialects of the Ossetian language. The point of view of V. I. Abaeva,
according to which the Digor dialect of the Ossetian language, in comparison
with the Iron one, to a greater extent preserved archaic features of the common
language of their ancestors remains today the starting point of research areas.
In this sense, the mentioned dialects are the stages of development of the
same language, representing the last phases of its evolution. Nevertheless, the
numerous differences observed in the monuments of material culture discovered
by archaeologists, as well as in the customs of the carriers of these dialects,
increasingly give reason to speak of these dialects not as different stages of
development of the same language, but as a means of communication of the
two groups, interconnected, but following, different ways of their development.
This, apparently, is the reason for such a significant difference in the languages.
These and some issues related to the disclosure of the topic will be discussed in
this article.
Keywords: V. F. Miller, the Iranian peoples of the Carpathians, the Sigins of the Danube region, Digor and Iron dialect of the Ossetian language
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