DOI: 10.46698/v4656-0111-4632-e
Rakhno, Konstantin Yu.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 2.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of folklore-epic motifs of Iranian origin,
which can be traced in the historical novel «Taras Bulba» by Nikolay Gogol. They
find parallels both in the Narts’ epos of the Ossetians, and in Firdousi’s poem
«Shahname», the tales of Tajik Sistans and the Tats of Dagestan. It is concluded
that the plot and many details of this famous story, like many other works by
Gogol, reflect the epic tradition of the Iranian-speaking population of the Black
Sea steppes, which has become the ethnic substrate of the Ukrainians.
The first to point to this parallel was Vasily Ivanovich Abaev, comparing the
descriptions of the everyday life of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, as is the case in the
work of N. V. Gogol’s «Taras Bulba», with a similar description of the lifestyle of the
Narts in the Nart epic. The described everyday life includes not only the practice of
military campaigns, but also fun, including the specific nature of songs, dances,
a system of values, a pagan worldview. As a comparative material, the author
uses the ritual dances of the Massagets in the description of Herodotus, as well
as the Saka in the description of Strabo. A parallel is drawn between Gogol’s
Taras Bulba and Iranian epic heroes — Nart Batradz, Rustam from Firdousi’s
poem «Shahname». Similar features are revealed in the zoonymy associated with
otherworldly forces, in the nature of the execution of murderers, in relation to this
word and the reaction of the consequences for its violation. Undoubtedly, the story
reflects the ancient epic motifs of the steppes of the Black Sea, dating back to the
Iranian-speaking nomads, later assimilated by the Slavs. They find parallels both
in the Nartian Ossetian epos, which has Scythian and Sarmatian-Alanian roots,
and in the Persian literary epos, the traditions of the Sistans, and tales of the Tats,
related to the South Iranian epic tradition, possibly having Scythian-Saka sources.
Keywords: Narts’ epos, Nikolay Gogol, Taras Bulba, Firdousi, the Cossacks, the Ossetians, the Persians, Tat people
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