DOI: 10.46698/a8581-7739-0980-g
Nagy, Janka Teodóra
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 2.
Abstract: The Russian state began to attach more and more importance to the legal
customs that have existed among various ethnic groups since the beginning of
the XIXth century, recognizing the right of peoples included in the orbit of Russian
statehood to manage their own daily lives in accordance with traditional moral
norms and legal practices. In Hungary, this practice and the significance of these
studies have been examined in detail by the outstanding customary law researcher
Kara Tagani. Conclusions of studies of legal custom in the Caucasus with the
participation of Vs. F. Miller in 1878 also contributed to the study of the customary
law of the Jász in Hungary. Miller’s rich research heritage received further study
in the writings of the most prominent Hungarian historians. New research areas
were also established based on the data from the studies conducted in the period
1939‑1948. The aim of the historical, archival and ethnographic studies of the
recent decades and the studies conducted by members of Ernø Tarkany-Sych
(Legal Cultural-Historical and Legal Ethnographic Research Group) was a system
of social norms that regulate the daily life of Hungarian Jász people. Our current
ideas about the local Jász community (including administration, economy and
family life), the rules of its coexistence, moral standards, punishments and the
applied informal sanctions are now comparatively more thoroughly studied
and differentiated. It is also obvious that the sense of freedom that exists in
the autonomous local Jassy community is an essential element of social selforganization.
One of the factors of this socio-psychological phenomenon can be
considered the survivability of the traditional system of customary law, within
which the consciousness of the Jassy communities has been formed and existed
over the centuries, preserving its original identity.
Keywords: Hungary, Russia, Hungarian Jász, Vs. F. Miller, customary law
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