DOI: 10.46698/y7313-7055-9879-g
Tsallagova, Iskra N.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 2.
Abstract: Certain dynamic processes inevitably occur in the word-building system of
any language, which determine the degree of productivity of various derivational
models. This fact accounts for the relevance of the study of these issues, as their
solution requires incessant monitoring of the most active and productive wordformation
models. This article analyzes the nouns and adjectives of the Digor
dialect of the Ossetian language, formed as a result of compounding and suffixal
derivation. The aim of the study is to determine composite models of nouns and
adjectives, in derivation of which suffixes are also involved, the identification of
their derivational activity and degree of productivity. The typological diversity
of composites, the versatility of these complex word-formation constructions,
necessitates the study of this word-formation phenomenon from various
points of view of both structure and semantics. In the study, the main method
is structural-semantic, which allowed us to produce an analytical description of
the complex-suffixal composite formations of the Digor dialect. The lexicographic
method is used when working with dictionaries of different types. In the course
of the analysis of Digor composites, a conclusion is drawn on the need for an
integrated approach to the consideration of word composition. The study of the
so-called peripheral methods of education, one of which is compounding and
suffixal, is also recognized as expedient. In this regard, the insufficient degree of
knowledge of this issue in Ossetian linguistics should be emphasized. The study
concludes that the difficult-suffix way of forming the Ossetian language in the
Digor dialect has quite high productivity, although it can vary depending on the
suffix used. The relations between the components of this type of formations are
always subordinate, which determines the presence of a supporting component
(motivator) and concretizing (specifying). The word-formation models of this type
involve both the nominal parts of speech (noun, adjective, numeral) and verbal
forms, which always act as a supporting component.
Keywords: Ossetian language, Digor dialect, word formation, composite, suffixal derivation
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