Chamata, Alexander D.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 18.
The purpose of this work is a brief overview of the points of contact between aesthetics and sociology. This study is devoted to the consideration of the relationship between sociology and aesthetics outside the classical approach, which is limited to the aesthetics of beauty and the sociology of art. The main attention is paid to the sensory part of the structure of consciousness and its role in social processes. The article discusses the potential use of materials and theories of aesthetic science in the course of sociological research. In the course of the work, the influence of postmodernism on modern society was shown and the peculiarities of the course of socio-political processes in this era were noted. Among other things, the work highlights the idea of Georg Simmel about the level of concentration of attention in settlements of different scales. The central role in the work is occupied by an attempt to synthesize the transparent aesthetics and sociology of the city, the relational aesthetics of Nicolas Bourriot and the theory of the social field, as well as the consideration of the influence of intuitive aesthetic processes on the daily life and political views of the individual. The results of the work show the wide potential of using aesthetic theories in sociological research and the theory of sociology. Aesthetics opens up new perspectives for the sociologist in building social models and provides an opportunity to study the irrational side of an individual’s behavior in society more deeply. Aesthetic theory also has heuristic potential in complementing and creating sociological theories, so in the section devoted to relational aesthetics, the potential of this theory was shown in the problem of discursivity of social interactions, noted by Guy Debord, and the aesthetic theory of transparency allows effective anti-terrorist measures, as well as reducing the level of distrust between individuals, without going beyond humanism and human rights.
Keywords: sociology of the city, relational aesthetics, transparency, postmodernity, interinstitutional approach, blasiveness.
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For citation: Chamata, A.D. Sociology and Aesthetics: Points of Contact and
the Possibility of Synthesis. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2024, iss. 18(25). pp. 116-126. (In
Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.25.18.008 ← Contents of issue |
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