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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.24.17.005


Peron, Anna I. , Nikitin, Andrey N.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 17.
Cultural cooperation today is a common practice of many institutions and various
type organizations. Creative collaborations allow us to create and promote a jointly
created product, popularize one or another achievement, create a positive image of
the company as a socially responsible business, invest in product promotion, and then
receive dividends from commercial success. Artistic association, art collaborations,
and cultural cooperation are becoming all-round, and sometimes breadth of activities
of the participants in such relationships are surprising us. The relevance of the topic
under consideration is due to the growing popularity of mass collaboration as a tool
for activating hive mind in order to improve the efficiency of an organization. The
authors of the article share their experience in implementing cultural, educational
and military-patriotic projects in collaboration with various institutions of culture,
healthcare, energy and others. In this article authors of the article unfold the urgency
of such cooperation and present the most striking examples of creative unions. These
presented practices contain examples of how, in a cultural institution, it is possible to
organize exhibitions and events for a different set of people. Authors put the focus
on the possibility of using the information and technologies in the multimedia park
during creation of creative union. Therefore, the experience of a multimedia historical
park can be interesting and useful for cultural institutions that do not have a wide
range of information technologies in their arsenal, but have other significant items,
the use of which will expand the circle of visitors and interested parties. Proposed
conclusion demonstrates the possibility of combining different directions into a
seamlessly, interesting, modern and creative product.
Keywords: museum, creative union, digital technologies, culture, cooperation.
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For citation: Peron, A.I., Nikitin, A.N. Experience of Creative Unions in the Autonomous
Non-profit Organization “Russia – My History. Yugra”: Practices and Prospects. KAVKAZ-
FORUM. 2024, iss. 17(24), pp. 118-129. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.24.17.005
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