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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.24.17.006


Fidarova, Rima Ya.
Kavkaz Forum. 2024. Issue 17.
The most fundamental category in the philosophical, artistic and cultural
consciousness of the Ossetians and their ancestors was and remains the category
of ethnonational existence. In the Ossetian tradition of philosophizing, since the
era of primitiveness, the understanding of being as a phenomenon located in a
constantly evolving process of movement and formation has been established.
And, of course, the artistic and cultural consciousness of the Ossetians and their
ancestors reflected the very existence of the ethnos-people-nation, and the process
of its constant, stably repeating movement and formation. Thoughts and the
origin of being appeared in the Nart epic, in particular, in the legend about how
the Narts originated. Thus, for the first time in the epic, the ideas of the Ossetians
and their ancestors about being, about the existence of man and the world,
received artistic embodiment. In a word, thus, thoughts about being turned from
abstraction into artistic reality precisely in the epic. At the same time, as follows
from the aesthetic features of the Nart epic, the objective existence of an ethnos - a
people - is closely connected with the individual existence of an individual, private
person, of course, taken in the specifics of the real circumstances of his everyday
life. And this relationship between the general and the particular, the whole and
the part becomes the leading methodological principle in the philosophicalethical
and artistic-aesthetic understanding of existence not only in the Nart
epic, but subsequently in Ossetian literature. This article reveals how this principle
manifests its methodological capabilities in Ossetian literature of the 60-s-80-s
of the XXth century, and in different genres, in particular, in the novel and in the
story. The purpose of our research was to study the in-depth artistic and aesthetic
understanding by Ossetian literature of the philosophical problems of national
existence and the consciousness determined by it; problems leading to significant
qualitative changes in Ossetian Soviet literature, say, in the genre structure, in the
system of character formation, in poetics.
Keywords: Ossetian literature, philosophy of existence, novel, story, hero and reality, artistic character.
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For citation: Fidarova, R.Ya. Philosophy of national existence in understanding Ossetian literature
60-80s of the twentieth century. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2024, iss. 17(24), pp. 36-46. (In Russian).
DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.24.17.006
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