DOI: 10.23671/VNC.2020.8.58155
Rakhno, Konstantin Yu.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 1.
Abstract: The article is devoted to one Ossetian-Pamir folklore parallel. The Ossetian
legend tells how once the god Tykhost, in response to the invocation cry on
horseback hastened to help people. But, being summoned out of idle curiosity,
he became angry and refused to personally help those in need. A similar story
happened with the Nart Soslan, who was called on a false alarm. That was the
motivation for his cult among the Digorians. In addition to the Volga region,
similar legends about a hero ready to come to the rescue of people were known
in the Pamirs. In particular, among the Shugnans they were associated with the
fifth Shiite imam - Muhammad ibn Ali al-Bakir. According to the legend, he also
promised to appear at the first call to help people in emergency situation. But
the doubting believers called him to make sure that he would keep his word. The
Imam appeared to be a rider armed to the teeth, but got enfuriated, finding that
he had been disturbed in vain, refused to come to the rescue next time and cursed
the inhabitants of the valley, wishing the land to get depopulated and then again
populated. Like Tykhost, Soslan, and the heroes of the Chuvash and Mari, imam
Bakir performed propitious religious worship.
Considering Iranian parallels, the article analyzes the attempts of a number
of scientists to unveil the historical background of the legend of Soslan’s crypt.
Importance is given to understanding the logic of ritual practice associated with
this. The hypothesis about the origin of worship of Soslan from the veneration of
the Christian prophet John the Baptist is also argued.
Keywords: Nart epic, legends, Ossetians, Shugnans, Pamir, Tykhost, Soslan, Imam Bakir.
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