DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.22.15.008
Biragova, Bela M.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 15.
Abstract: republics of the North Caucasus Federal District to promote ethnocultural
brands and positivize their images, expand the spheres of socio-economic and
intercultural interaction, which requires competent management decisions and
creative approaches from regional authorities, including effective information
and communication support both with using traditional channels of mass
communication, as well as “new media”, social networks and, in particular, the
Telegram platform as a dynamically developing resource of influence. This article
presents a political science analysis of the features of ethnocultural branding in
the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania as one of the markers of the region’s tourist
attractiveness. Ethnocultural branding is considered from the perspective of a
communicative approach, as a space of communications of various state and
non-state actors who, in the course of their activities, have a significant impact on
the implementation of regional ethnocultural branding and image building. The
article, based on the analysis of legal documents, state statistics data, sociological
studies of various analytical centers, as well as frontal content analysis and
event analysis of media materials and the Telegram communication platform,
examines the main trends in regional ethnocultural branding as a communication
strategy, reproduced in the course of its implementation ethnocultural meanings,
their semantic content and socio-political effects, as well as their role in the
development of regional tourism and economy. The results of the study suggest
that coverage of regional cultural policy, historical and local history topics in the
North Ossetian Telegram segment is the most important communication tool for
mediatization and promotion of ethnocultural brands of the region in the global
information space.
Keywords: Telegram channels, mass communication, mediatization, ethnocultural branding of the region, ethnocultural brands, national culture, image of the region, ethnotourism.
For citation: Biragova, B.M. Telegram Channels as a Communication Instrument for Ethnocultural
Branding of the Region (on the Example of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania). KAVKAZ-FORUM.
2023, iss. 15(22), pp. 100-111. (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.22.15.008
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