DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.22.15.006
Khapsaeva, Dana V.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 15.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of the Persian community in the Terek
region, which by the end of the first third of the twentieth century had experienced
large-scale processes of social transformation. The Soviet period of the history
of the Persians did not become the subject of special research, which is partly
due to the scarcity of archival and field materials. The appeal to the periodical
press undertaken in this article shows its high source-study potential. On the
example of one newspaper of the early Soviet period «The Power of Labor», the
representativeness of local periodicals as a historical source for the study of the
Persian community in the conditions of the Soviet political regime is shown. The
analysis of the newspaper’s materials made it possible to restore the contours of
the history of the Persian community in the context of international Soviet-Iranian
relations and the national policy of the Soviet government. The information about
the community recorded in the newspaper makes it possible to reconstruct the
history of the community, its difficulties in adapting to the new political regime.
Most of the information under consideration is represented by official reports
and documents, comments on them, in particular on the Soviet-Iranian treaty, as
well as city chronicles, notes on troublemakers, essays on the heroes of modern
times, criticism of the remnants of the past and «backward elements» who are not
ready to part with them. The pages of the newspaper store not only information,
they also contain attempts at analysis in order to ideologically influence people
and solve the tasks set by the Soviet government. The newspaper sheds light on
such issues as Soviet-Iranian relations and their impact on the situation of the
Persian diaspora, the attempts of the new government to integrate the Persian
community into the Soviet way of life, to level their customs and traditions, to
awaken women’s social activity, to eliminate Islam as the basis of the identity of
the Shiite Persians, to replace the existing infrastructure with new institutions.
Keywords: North Caucasus, Persian community, periodicals, Soviet social modernization.
For citation: Khapsaeva, D.V. The Persian Community of Vladikavkaz on the Pages
of Soviet Regional Periodicals of the First Third of the 20th Century. KAVKAZ-FORUM.
2023, iss. 15(22), pp. 78-89. (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.22.15.006
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