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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.22.15.001


Dzaparova, Elizaveta B.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 15.
The article for the first time presents a comparative analysis of the
translations of the poems by the patriarch of Ossetian literature N.G. Dzhusoyty
(1925-2017) into Russian made by a famous Russian poet and translator Ya.A.
Kozlovsky (1921-2001) in the 1960-s. The author of the article traces the adequacy
of the transmission of texts at the level of content and form. In particular, ways
of translating artistic images and preserving the national color of the original,
conveying the author’s intentions in general are revealed. In multilingual texts
(original, translation), the ratio of equivalence levels of lexical units (full, partial,
zero) is established. The study concludes that the translation concept of Y.
Kozlovsky is mainly based on changing the original, introducing his own poetic
means into the text. Some artistic images could be replaced or lost by the translator
in the process of transferring the original text to another linguistic and cultural
space. At the same time, the translator tried not to deviate from the ideological
and thematic content of the original, tried to reveal the author’s thought and
preserve the national specificity of the text (“Letter to Mother”). When translating
some lyrical works, the translator, as if competing with the author (“A translator
in prose is a slave; a translator in verse is a rival” - V.A. Zhukovsky), offered his own
poem based on the original (“Last Wish”). There is also a contamination of both
equivalent and free translation within the same text (“Balkarian Mountain”). In
general, translation transformations of the original text occur through various
means: explication, syntactic modulation, omissions, etc. The formal organization
of the poems is not always consistent in translations: the way of rhyming changes,
the meter of the verse is not observed.
Keywords: Ossetian poetry, literary translation, N.G. Dzhusoyty, Ya.A. Kozlovsky, image, equivalent, author’s intentions.
For citation: Dzaparova, E.B. N.G. Dzhusoyty’s poetry in Russian Translation of the 1960s:
Comparative and Comparative Analysis. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2023, iss. 15(22), pp. 16-30. (In Russian).
DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.22.15.001
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