DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.21.14.004
Tsibirov, Gerlik I. , Ktsoeva, Sultana G.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 14.
Abstract: The article analyzes the process of formation and development of Ossetian
studies as a direction of scientific research. The fundamental contribution in this
direction belongs to Russian scientists of the fourth quarter of the 18th-first third
of the 19th centuries. The strengthening of Russia’s ties with the North Caucasus
in the last third of the 18th century, the annexation of North Ossetia to Russia in
1774 allowed Russian science to lay a solid foundation for Ossetian studies as
one of the components of scientific Caucasian studies. Thus, it can be argued that
scientific Ossetian studies in Russian science originates from the 70s of the 18th
century. It was from this time that the systematic collection of various materials
about the life and life of the Ossetians began, attempts were made to generalize
these materials. The article highlights the role of the Russian Academy of Sciences
in the formation and development of scientific Caucasian studies, analyzes
the contribution of the participants of the Academic Expeditions in collecting
valuable material about the life, customs, economy and social relations among
the peoples of the Caucasus, including the Ossetians. An assessment is given to
the information about the Ossetians reported by I. A. Guldenstedt, P. S. Pallas,
V. M. Bakunin, I. Bolgarsky, J. Reineggs, P. G. Butkov, A. M. Shegren, G. Yu. Klaproth
and others: they are distinguished by the richness and variety of factual material,
mostly reliable; complementing each other, give an overall picture. When studying
various aspects of the life of the population, the authors conducted personal
observations, used information from knowledgeable persons – representatives of
the local administration, the clergy and others. The accuracy of the information
reported by the authors in a number of cases is confirmed by comparing them
with official documents and later literary sources.
Keywords: scientific Ossetian studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, I. A. Guldenshtedt, A. M. Shoergen, G. Yu. Klaproth.
For citation: Tsibirov, G. I., Ktsoeva, S. G. Formation and development of scientific
ossetian studies of the XVIII – first third of the XIX centuries. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2023,
iss. 14 (21), pp. 90-104. (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.21.14.004
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