DOI: 10.23671/VNC.2020.8.58147
Abaeva, Fatima O.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 1.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the realia lexeme avdæn, designating
the national wooden cradle on pivots, which is part of the general fund of the
industry vocabulary of the Ossetic language. A lexical and semantical analysis of
a number of words related to the considered realia lexeme avdæn is carried out;
the main ways of word formation and term formation are identified; the features
of paremiological units in which the lexeme avdæn is found are established. The
author tried to show that the distribution of such stable expressions by semantic
characteristics will contribute to a more accurate definition of the reality itself in
the context of the material under study; to find out if the realia lexeme avdæn
can act as a locus subject. It has been revealed that the word-realia avdæn is
simultaneously endowed with both subject-everyday and spatial signs, and this
is vividly confirmed in the vocabulary. The presence of this realia lexeme and the
features of its functioning in the Ossetic epic text, according to the author, should
be considered important when implementing lexical and semantical analysis of
the word paradigm associated with it. Study of the non-equivalent vocabulary
is relevant, because realia constitute a special language layers in which no
substantial equivalents in other languages can be observed. The word-realia
contains and transmits national-specific features. The study of the terminological
row related to the reality of lexeme avdæn in this case seems to us relevant.
Keywords: Ossetic, industry vocabulary, vocabulary of traditional management, word, realia, semantics.
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