DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.21.14.009
Şahingöz, [Tsoriti] Emine M. A.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 14.
Abstract: Ossetic, an Eastern Iranian language native to the central Caucasus region,
has a rich and complex history that has been shaped by various linguistic and
cultural influences of the region. However, due to the lack of a writing tradition,
sources for Ossetic are limited, and much of the language’s early history and
linguistic development remains shrouded in mystery. Fortunately, there are a
number of publication that date back to the early modern European period and
that contain a few word lists, which provide valuable insights into the linguistic
developments of Ossetic. The earliest of these publications dates back to 1705.
These word lists not only offer a glimpse into the lexicon of the language but they
also provide a window into the linguistic evolution of Ossetic since they allow for
the tracing of developments, portraying the transcriptions by the researchers,
who compiled them. As such, these sources are of great importance to linguists
interested in the history and development of Ossetic and Iranian languages but
also contact phenomena and can help shed light on the ways in which language
change of oral languages occurs over a period of a couple of centuries. In this
article, we will explore the linguistic developments of Ossetic as observed in early
modern European sources and examine the ways in which these developments
can be traced to later stages of the language. For this purpose we will firstly provide
an overview of the relevant monographs that were published in the past centuries
and that include either research on, for instance, the syntax or morphology of
Ossetic or that include language material, such as word lists and transcriptions
that date back to a time, when the language did not have an established writing
tradition yet. As the aim of this paper is to discuss developments and peculiarities
that can be concluded from this material, we will have a closer look into two word
lists in particular: namely the “Circassian” glossary that was published in Nicolaes
Witsen’s “Noord en Oost Tartarye”, and Simon Pallas’ Iron and Digor Ossetian
glossaries. As we will see, Witsen’s glossary compiles not merely Circassian lexemes
but also shows a considerable amount of Ossetian entries. This makes the entries
in Witsen’s glossary the oldest attested written examples of Modern Ossetic. Pallas’
glossary on the other hand is relevant for the comparative study of Ossetian
varieties and dialects; the entries show that dialectal varieties of Iron, for instance,
were already established. This can be seen in the phonology of the entries.
Keywords: language development, historical linguistics, dialectology, Early Modern Ossetic.
For citation: Şahingöz [Tsoriti], E. Ossetian evidence from early modern European sources:
tracing linguistic changes. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2023, iss. 14 (21), pp. 12-31.
DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.21.14.009
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