Fidarova, Rima Ya.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 14.
The character and circumstances in Ossetian literature are categories that determine the essence and characteristics of other categories, moreover, they testify to the level of artistic and aesthetic maturity of the literary process as a whole. Ossetian literature, true to its generic property of reflecting the deep relationships of a person and his environment, constantly focuses its attention on the artistic and aesthetic study of the multifaceted relationships of the hero and reality, character and circumstances. It studies the fate of a person in certain socio- historical circumstances. After all, as a rule, the specific realities of life determine the life, destiny and character of a person, and in a work of art they form typical circumstances that create typical characters, defining genre specificity, plot, artistic and visual features of the work. The maturity of literature was manifested in the fact that it skillfully and in different genres, at different periods of its history, showed, how a person is formed, his character is moulded in difficult life circumstances. It managed to artistically convincingly and reliably reflect the path of a person to discovering his truly human destiny on earth as a creator of history, to realizing himself as a subject and object of the historical process. It successfully showed the process of creative creation and transformation of the national world, changing human nature itself, enriching the humanistic content of the human character in the image. In addition, literature has revealed the process of human comprehension of the movement of life as the acquisition of social and spiritual and moral experience. At the same time, Ossetian literature tried to deeply comprehend the innermost meaning of being, its philosophy. And it completely succeeded in achieving the solution of the task: it came to comprehend the true purpose of a man as a social being on earth, living in society, among people. We will try to consider, how Ossetian literature solved such a complex creative task at different stages of its history and how it enriched the theoretical aspect of the relationship of characters and circumstances.
Keywords: Ossetian literature, characters and circumstances, hero and reality, novel, story, moral and spiritual search, humanism.
For citation: Fidarova, R. Ya. Characters and circumstances as the most important
artistic and aesthetic categories in Ossetian literature. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2023, iss. 14 (21),
pp. 5-11 (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.21.14.008← Contents of issue |
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