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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.20.13.001


Mamieva, Izeta V.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 13.
The article for the first time considers the genre of biography as a new facet
of the scientific heritage of the prominent historian and Caucasian ethnologist
Ludwig Alekseevich Chibirov. The relevance of the study is determined both by
the growing interest in biography (biography) nowadays, one of the branches
of applied interdisciplinary science, and by the theoretical underdevelopment
of its genre-species forms in historical and literary science in general, including
Ossetian. The author focuses on the literary and artistic branch of biography,
which has noticeably supplanted the position of the traditional critical
biographical essay. The purpose of the work is to study the variants of the genre
structure of literary biography, its poetics and value meanings on the material of
the books by L. A. Chibirov "Names" (2010), "Georgy Bestauty. Steps to Immortality"
(2021). The biographical method was used with the use of analytical techniques of
hermeneutics, which made it possible to reveal how accurately and objectively the
image of a particular literary figure was reproduced in the analyzed texts, aspects
of his life path were revealed, events that influenced the development of his
worldview, individual author’s manner of writing were highlighted. It is concluded
that the vector of genre dynamics is directed from the silhouette portrait (Yu.
Botsiev, S. Khabliev) through an intermediate view (M. Dzasokhov) to a literary
biography of a synthetic type (G. Bestauty, Sh. Dzhikaev). In terms of conceptual
content, this is a transition from depicting the biography of the hero as the history
of an individual to the biography of a person "inscribed" in the historical process,
in the space of which the facts of personal life and the facts of creativity constitute
an inseparable unity; the active position of the individual becomes a source of
visible changes in society, has an impact on the formation of national and cultural
Keywords: literary biography, poetics, structure, synthesis, narrative, source complex, cultural memory.
For citation: Mamieva, I.V. Literary and biographical narrative in the scientific heritage
of L.A. Chibirov and his axiological dominants. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2023, iss. 13(20),
pp. 30-48 (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.20.13.001
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