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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.20.13.011


Kusaeva, Zalina K.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 13.
The proposed article highlights the scientific research of the prominent
Russian ethnologist-Caucasian L.A. Chibirov in the field of Nartology. Based
on the study of a number of monographic and encyclopedic works, in which a
detailed analysis of the Nart cycles, epic heroes and characters, the phenomenon
of magical objects was carried out, the position of the scientist is stated, based
on exclusively scientifically reasoned facts. At the same time, the professor’s point
of view is presented on the features of social life, worldview characteristics, areal
connections, Nart cosmogony, trifunctional theory in the context of the Indo-
European mythopoetic world, as well as on the level of comparison of common
and different in Caucasian epic versions. In this article, much attention is paid
to the most significant stage in understanding the fundamental nature of the
national epic heritage - preparation and publication under the supervision of L.A.
Chibirov «Encyclopedia of the Ossetian Nartiada». The scientist’s idea became a
landmark event in the Ossetian studies, an unprecedented work, in which almost
the entire staff of the North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social
Research named after V.I. Abaev, as well as numerous scientists from various
Russian and foreign scientific centers. This publication is the first experience of
an encyclopedic generalization of folklore, ethnological, linguistic, historical,
archaeological, source materials and the results of all known academic works
involved in the scientific understanding of the Ossetian epos «Narts». Within
the framework of interdisciplinary research, innovative highly scientific research
contained in the «Encyclopedia of the Ossetian Nartiada» is presented. They
rightfully appear as a "new word" at the present stage of the development of
Nartology, which undoubtedly plays a significant role in comprehending the deep
meanings of the epic heritage of the Ossetians.
Keywords: L.A. Chibirov, Nart studies, Kadags about Narts, epos, the Ossetians, Nartiada, mythology, folklore, Indo-European peoples.
For citation: Kusaeva, Z.K. Encyclopedia of Ossetian «Nartiada» by
L.A. Chibirov. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2023, iss. 13(20), pp. 20-29 (In Russian).
DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.20.13.011
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