DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.20.13.010
Besolova, Elena B.
Kavkaz Forum. 2023. Issue 13.
Abstract: Researches of L.A. Chibirov are devoted to the problems of the spiritual
culture of the Ossetians: the surviving remnants of the archaic views of a person
that contribute to the reconstruction of a past life, worldview, economic structure,
as well as the features of socio-historical relations. The identification of ethno-
linguistic and ethno-cultural aspects in the works of the famous Caucasian
scholar, the Ossetian and ethnographer, who made a significant contribution to
the study of the history, ethnology and culture of the peoples of the Caucasus, is
of great interest. Issues of historical and areal ethnology, folklore, language and
culture - this is not a complete list of issues that make up the object of study in the
works of L. A. Chibirov. The author of the article had a goal: to consider the specifics
of the reconstruction of the cultural and historical context and the presence of
correlative links between language and culture in the reconstruction of rituals
and ritual texts due to the bear cult among the Ossetians, to describe the complex
of linguistic and ethnic features characteristic of the research of extralinguistic
direction and ethnocultural semantics in rudiments totemic worship of the bear.
The scope of ethnolinguistics includes consideration of the problems of language
and ethnicity, language and culture, language and folk mentality, language
and mythology with a view to reflecting religious and mythological ideas in
the language of traditional culture. But more important is to reveal in it the
constructive role of language and its impact on the formation and functioning of
folk culture, psychology and oral folk art. It is these aspects that are typical for the
works of I.G. Herder, W. Humboldt, F.I. Buslaeva, A.N. Afanasiev, A.A. Potebnya, I.N.
Tolstoy, as well as N.I. Tolstoy, S.M. Tolstoy, L.N. Vinogradova and other members of
the Moscow school of ethnolinguistics. Acad. N.I. Tolstoy in correspondence with
L.A. Chibirov noted that when referring to the studies of the Ossetian scientist, he
always found a lot of interesting things, according to the academician, "Ossetian
material is very important in the Indo-European plan, because Iranian studies in
Indo-European mythology play almost a key role."
Keywords: the Ossetian language, spiritual culture, taboo, bear cult, ethnolinguistic approach, ethnocultural semantics, euphemism.
For citation: Besolova, E.B. About the rudiments of the bear cult in the research
of L.A. Chibirov. KAVKAZ-FORUM. 2023, iss. 13(20), pp. 5-19 (In Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.20.13.010
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