DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.19.12.008
Mchedlova, Elena M.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 12.
Abstract: The article presents the results of a sociological study on topical issues of the
socio-political and socio-cultural situation in the country. The study was carried
out by the Center for the Sociology of Religion and Sociocultural Processes of the
Institute for Socio-Political Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences during the pandemic period (2019-2021) – in
Moscow, Belgorod Region and Mordovia, and in 2022 – in Moscow, Arkhangelsk,
Murmansk Regions and Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
The considered issues are related, in particular, to the assessment of the
socio-political and socio-cultural situation (as leaving much to be desired), the
possibilities for applying moral, ethical and civil law norms, self-identification
of the Russian population, including believers (mainly as Orthodox), the degree
of intensity and motivation for the participation of the population in religious
practices, attitudes towards existing religious traditions, as well as the activities
of religious organizations, and some others. Religion acts as a «custodian» of
identity and cultural traditions, the heritage of the peoples inhabiting various
regions of Russia.
Self-identification showed the priority direction of the worldview –
Orthodox. Evidence of the preservation of traditional religious values, which
have turned into national moral values, has been obtained. The confessional
coloring of any political events that have public resonances in Russia caused a
crisis in the traditional political and civil forms of solidarity and participation,
but preserved almost unchanged the historical and cultural traditions that
have dominated the regions since ancient times. This crisis has affected the
nature of human relationships, including personal, family, religious, social. In
such conditions, the peoples inhabiting Russia are trying to protect their civil
and cultural identity. The peacekeeping activity of the church helps to settle the
urgent conflicts (in particular, in Ukraine). The activity of religious actors leads
to the consolidation and spiritual unity of peoples and becomes a guarantee of
national security.
Keywords: sociocultural process, religious values, Russian Orthodox Church, regions of Russia, morality, communication, pandemic period
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