DOI: 10.23671/VNC.2020.8.58153
Mamieva, Izeta V.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 1.
Abstract: The article explores the functional-semantic sphere and artistic-cognitive
potential of the mental verbs used by K.L. Khetagurov in his anthology «Iron
Fandyr» («Ossetian Lira,» 1899) and the adjoining Ossetic texts. Based on the
lexico-semantic analysis of the prototypical verb lexem “zonyn”, which is dominant
in the dictionary of the anthology language, and its derivatives the important
structural components of the cognitive frame ‘exercise of the mental activities’ are
defined. The structure of the nominative field of mental verbs is outlined (direct
and contextual meanings of words): the constitutional elements are classified as
the nucleus and nearby layer; the nominations which make synonymic rows of
additional characteristics explicit, – to the area of near and far periphery. The paper
outlines the experience of applying a comprehensive (linguo-literary) approach to
the study of verb means of expression of thought actions, including the elements
of etymological, contextual and interpretive analysis. The material organization
is based on the method of structuring the semantic field of mental verbs on the
basis of action/station with the distinction of three aspects of the mental sphere of
consciousness: 1) cognitive actions, which purpose is to obtain knowledge (process
of thinking); 2) the cognitive acts confirming results of mental ability realization;
3) mental conditions (a stasis as a result of the previous cogitative actions) with
the indication of the total and differentiated frequency of their use. It is concluded
that mental verbs are key-note and conceptually significant in Kosta Khetagurov’s
poetry. The problem is considered from the point of view of the anthropic factor in
the aspect of representation of fragments of the image of the world in the literary
text, reflecting the axiological and worldview attitudes of the author.
Keywords: mental verbs, composition, semantic volume, integral seme, nucleus, circumnuclear zone, periphery elements, literary text, author, character.
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