DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.19.12.007
Khadikova, Alina Kh.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 12.
Abstract: The article is the first part of the planned fundamental study of the selfidentification
functionality of the modern Ossetian ethnos and contains
a historical and anthropological analysis of the most archaic layer of the
formation of the concept of the personality of the ethnophore - the Ossetian. At
this stage of studying the specific options for the historical transformations of
the ethnophor - Ossetian, the author turns to the earliest sources, to mythology
and, within its framework, to the issue of the emotionally rational environment
for the formation of the personality of the Nart: to the strong-willed, moral,
intellectual, aesthetic characteristics of the personality recognized in the Nart
society exemplary. The study is focused on the fact that the epic depicts the
historical and cultural reality of the North Iranian ancestors of the Ossetians,
who became the creators and prototypes of the mythological «Nart world».
The author insists on the fact that the wide distribution of the epic, as well as
other Alanian cultural influence on the North Caucasus (and not only), the
participation of the Alans (to one degree or another) in the ethnogenesis and
cultural genesis of different peoples is a fact that can more quickly smooth out
some disagreements, rather than sharpen them.
The study of the personal space of the epic (and, accordingly, the creators
of the epic), the main criteria for the «best», «genuine» Nart is carried out by
analyzing the moral concepts «honor», «life duty», «good upbringing» that are
important for this chivalrous mythological people. With the involvement of epic
texts, specific existential, motivational and evaluative aspects of the Narts’ ideas
about themselves, the meanings of their being are considered, the central moral
and edifying aspects of the epic and the properties of the Nart ethnophore are
Keywords: Ossetian ethnos, ethnophore, archaic stratum, mythology, moral concept, historical roots of the epic about Narts
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