DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.19.12.005
Kobakhidze, Elena I.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 12.
Abstract: The article discusses the history of the first educational institution for girls
in Ossetia – the Ossetian women’s school, which appeared in Vladikavkaz in
1862 thanks to the selfless activities of one of the brightest representatives of the
Ossetian clergy, Archpriest Akso Koliev. Two key ideas were laid down in his project
to create an Ossetian women’s school: to build a national education system based
on the Ossetian language, and to open access to education for Ossetian girls.
However, the plan of the founder of the school could not be realized in full due to
the legislation in force in the Russian Empire in the field of education, which secured
the status of the Russian (state) language as the only language of education.
However, it was thanks to his school that Ossetian girls had the opportunity
to learn reading and writing, and the consciousness of the need for women’s
education was strengthened among the people. A few years after its opening,
women’s schools began to appear in the parishes of Ossetia, which turned out
to be in demand by the mountain peasantry. The article analyzes the position of
the school in the regional system of public education and shows the stages of its
development. Having undergone several transformations, changing names and
status, the school survived until the establishment of the Soviet power in Ossetia,
being the only educational institution of its kind for Ossetian girls, which prepared
them for the teaching career in Ossetian villages. The school has become a symbol
of a new socio-cultural situation for Ossetia, marked by the general craving of the
mountain peasantry for education, and a landmark phenomenon in the cultural
and educational space of the region.
Keywords: Ossetia, primary education, women’s education, Ossetian girls’ school, Ossetian women’s shelter, national education
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