DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.19.12.003
Tsallagova, Iskra N.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 12.
Abstract: In modern linguistics, much attention is paid to the problems associated
with transitivity in the field of parts of speech. Research in this direction, both in
foreign and domestic linguistics, began to develop actively in the XXth century.
The transition of words from one part of speech to another in the general theory
of linguistics is called differently: functional transposition, partial derivation,
conversion, morphological-syntactic way of word formation. It should be
noted that the transition from one part of speech to another is one of the most
significant and active ways of word formation in modern languages. This article
discusses such special cases of functional transposition as adjectivization and
adverbialization in the Ossetian language. At the same time, the vocabulary
of both dialects, both Iron and Digor, was used as an illustrative material.
In this study, we are of the opinion that adjectivation is a type of functional
transposition, in which the transition of various parts of speech into the class of
adjectives occurs, and adverbialization is the process of transition of different
parts of speech into the class of adverbs. The article analyzes the theoretical issues
related to this problem; specific manifestations of part-of-speech transitivity
are considered. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were made:
adjectivation and adverbialization, being particular methods of functional
transposition, manifest themselves very actively in the Ossetian language, both
in the Iron and Digor dialects; in the Ossetian language, nouns and participles
can be subject to adjectivation; when transposed, adjectived units acquire the
category of a comparative degree characteristic of an adjective; in the process of
adverbialization, qualitative adjectives show the greatest activity; in some cases,
adverbialization is characteristic of the noun and pronoun in the form of indirect
Keywords: the Ossetian language, Digor dialect, word formation, functional transposition, substantiation, adjectivation, adverbialization
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