DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.19.12.011
Berberov, Burhan A.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 12.
Abstract: The song is a universal folklore genre that has its own specific features in
the culture of each ethnic group. The article briefly examines the main genre
modifications of the Karachay-Balkar song, due to the factors of national history,
artistic traditions, and the mentality of the highlanders of the North Caucasus.
Among them are labor, historical-heroic, love, lamentation songs, religiousspiritual
songs. In view of the lack of research, the author pays the most attention
to the genre of historical and heroic song. For the first time in national folklore,
a culturological assessment is given to the unique specialized issue of the
magazine “Mingi Tau” (“Elbrus”), published in 1993 in the form of an anthology
of historical and heroic songs of the Karachay-Balkarian people. The most
representative of them are analyzed from the point of view of ontological poetics.
Anthropocentrism is revealed as the main attributive feature that determines the
theme, plot, composition and, in general, the genre and stylistic features of the
historical heroic song. The figurative and expressive means of elegiac songs are
scrupulously identified and interpreted to the same extent, among which a special
place is occupied by epithets, metaphors, comparisons, hyperbole, repetitions,
symbolism of color. As an example, three characteristic works are given: “The
Song of the Climbers on Elbrus”, “The First Epidemic” and “The Second Epidemic”,
based on real events. After the revolution of 1917, the lyrical-epic genre system
of Karachay-Balkarian folklore was replenished with the so-called “Soviet songs”
dedicated to the builders of a new social system, the working class, collective
farmers, heroes of the Patriotic War, socialist competition, friendship of peoples,
high and true love. Based on the study, it is concluded that the national history of
the Karachays and Balkars has found a full reflection in the ethno-folklore system,
rich in its genre modifications.
Keywords: Karachay-Balkar folklore, song, genre, pagan elements, history, anthropocentrism, love, lamentation song, Soviet song
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