DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.19.12.010
Abisalova, Raisa N.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 12.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of intertextuality as one of the main
stylistic features of the creative method of the first Ossetian professional writer,
poet, journalist, artist, ethnographer K.L. Khetagurov on the example of the poem
«At the cemetery». The artistic world of K.L. Khetagurov was formed not only
thanks to his education and natural talent. A significant factor that determined
his work was openness to the wide world, humanism, love and compassion not
only for his people, but for all mankind. The result of the desire for enlightenment,
interest in the world of artistic culture, knowledge of folklore, Russian and foreign
literature, the ability to generate artistic information in his works was such a
quality of K.L. Khetagurov as intertextuality. One of the best poetic works, in which
intertextual connections with various folklore, mythological and literary sources
are focused, is a poem by K.L. Khetagurov «At the cemetery». It became the object
of consideration in the work. The poem contains allusions to numerous sources of
folklore, at the same time it is a reminiscence of the plot of the Nart epic «Exiled
in the Land of the Dead». The folklore-mythological basis of the work correlates
with world epics, reflecting the motive of traveling to another world. At a deeper
level, intertextual connections with numerous literary sources, both Russian
and foreign, are traced. The motive of traveling to the afterlife is correlated by
Kosta with a similar medieval literary genre of visions, which arose on the basis
of ancient folklore and epic sources. The figure of the initiator is associated with
liminal Christian visionaries. The article also discusses the allusions of the Divine
Comedy by the great Dante, which influenced the formation of all subsequent
plots reproducing the characters’ journey to the other world.
Keywords: Kosta Khetagurov, intertextuality, allusions, reminiscences, folklore, mythology, world artistic culture
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