DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.18.11.011
Gostieva, Larisa K.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 11.
Abstract: The article examines the translation activities of Bishop Joseph (Chepigovsky)
of Vladikavkaz. The significance for the cultural life of North and South Ossetia
of the publication in 1862 of the Ossetian primer, which has survived five
editions, is shown. The activity of the Committee for the translation of liturgical
and educational books into Ossetian is analyzed. Attention is focused on the
preparation of a new edition of the translation of the Holy Gospel into the
Ossetian language. The establishment of a censorship committee in Vladikavkaz
in the late 70s of the XIXth century under the chairmanship of Bishop Joseph is
indicated. It is noted that since that time, liturgical and educational books have
been published in Vladikavkaz. The article considers a periodical in the Ossetian
language, in which fifty-two catechetical teachings for Sundays were published. It
is pointed out, that the published teachings have become a great help in preparing
parish priests for sermons. The focus is on the publication by Bishop Joseph of the
Russian-Ossetian dictionary, on which he worked for more than twenty years. The
review of the dictionary made by the outstanding Russian scientist V.M. Miller has
been studied. The liturgical and educational books of Bishop Joseph published in
the 80s of the XIXth century are listed. Among them, a book on the church use
of musical notation with a text in the Ossetian language, which was intended
for parishes and schools in Ossetia, is particularly highlighted. The merits of
Bishop Joseph in obtaining a new font necessary for the publication of books in
the Ossetian language are revealed. It is concluded that Bishop Joseph made a
significant contribution to the translation of liturgical and educational books into
the Ossetian language, into the culture of Orthodox Ossetia.
Keywords: Bishop Joseph, priests, translations, the Ossetian language, liturgical books, primer, dictionary
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