DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.17.10.006
Tsibirov, Gerlik I. , Gutieva, Elvira Sh.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 10.
Abstract: The article deals with the formation of a system of scientific and educational
institutions in North Ossetia in the era of early Soviet modernization in
chronological terms from 1917 to the end of the 1920s. One of the original
author’s positions is to understand the significance of the post-reform social and
cultural transformation of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. as
the basis on which the formation of scientific and educational infrastructure
took place in the Soviet era. The accentuated division into pre-Soviet and Soviet
periods established in Soviet historical science should not artificially break the
idea of the progressive development of the socio-cultural process: long before
the establishment of new power in the Russian outskirts, in particular in North
Ossetia, educational and individual scientific institutions were founded and
successfully functioned. In addition, the article also considers the designated
period of Soviet modernization from the standpoint of phased development. In
the early Soviet period, when the new government was busy with political and
economic reorganization and civil war, the development of the humanities was
based on a post-reform foundation: previously planned projects were created
and ideological pressure was not yet experienced. It was revealed that since the
mid-1920s, when the Soviet government came to grips with the development of
a sociocultural basis for building socialism, the main infrastructure had already
been created in North Ossetia: scientific and educational institutions, a scientific
library and a museum, archival management, etc. Analysis of scientific activity
scientists in the humanities showed that at the first stage they actively solved the
problems of preserving the national cultural heritage, and only at the second
stage did the research topics expand with established ideological priorities.
Keywords: Soviet modernization, humanitarian science, scientific and educational infrastructure
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