DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.17.10.001
Morgoeva, Larisa B.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 10.
Abstract: The article is devoted to lexical combinations strictly fixed in the language
and their variants found in Ossetian folklore and epic texts, and basically having
a complex semantic organization, closely related to the worldview, culture and
traditions of the people. The study of these linguistic units contributes to deeper
understanding of the semantic processes occurring in the language, which are
found when comparing the original meaning and modern use in speech.
A preliminary analysis of the detected combinations made it possible to make
a structural distinction according to the degree of cohesion of the components
that make up the set units, and to determine the possibility of lexical derivation of
the common meaning of the combination from the semantics of their constituent
components. In the course of processing the illustrative material, composite
nominatives and verbal constructions with a complex semantic organization
were identified, for the full semantic disclosure of which, for the most part, not
only the contextual environment and plot fabric of the entire text is required, but
also an appeal to ethnographic data and historical realities. Such a comparative
approach makes it possible to determine the event-factual basis of origin and to
identify possible variants and features of their component composition.
As the main stylistic devices used in the formation of such stable constructions,
one can single out euphemism, which is generally characteristic of the Ossetian
language, and the descriptiveness of the actual phenomenon with a metaphorical
bias that contributes to their consolidation in the language as functionally
recognizable idioms.
The presence of a number of aphoristic characteristics of such phrases and
complex lexical formations makes it possible to freely circulate and independently
use them in everyday speech as phraseological units and phraseologized
constructions of various pragmatic orientations.
Keywords: vocabulary, set phrases, semantics, euphemism, metaphor, the Ossetian language
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