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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.16.9.007


Tuallagov, Alan A.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 9.
Among the numerous parallels to the materials of the Nart epic of the
Ossetians, the materials of the Shor folklore at some point took a special place.
They, in turn, served as the basis for the assertions of various authors about the
Mongolian influence on the epic, about the close contacts of the Turks and the
Sarmatian-Alans, about Iranian roots in the ethnogenesis of the Khakases, about
the presence of an «Alanian cycle» in Shor folklore, about a Turkish source in one
of the images of the pantheon of the Caucasian peoples, about the Central Asian
roots of the ethno genesis of the Alans. This provision objectively determines the
relevance of the problem stated for the study. The scientific novelty lies in the direct
appeal to the relevant materials and the historiography of the problem itself. The
purpose of the study is to verify the currently known grounds for these statements
by the method of textual research, inductive and logical analysis while observing
the principle of systematic presentation.
The conducted research allows us to comply with the conclusion that in
the interpretation of the «Alanian heritage» in Shor folklore we are faced with a
«scientific mythology» generated by the dishonesty of its authors, the unscientific
methods and principles of which have found their continuation in the desire of
other authors to postulate the existence of non-existent «parallels» in folklore and
ethnographic heritage of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Supposedly similar
motives in Khakas folklore and in the Ossetian epic do not provide researchers
with objective grounds for their construction to a single source. Not all of the
observations cited in this context are accurate for Ossetian materials or so
unambiguous in their interpretations. Therefore, it is necessary, in particular, to
refrain from involving them in the context of the Alanian problem.
Keywords: Narts’ epic, Shor folklore, the Ossetians, the Alans, Alanian heritage
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