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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.16.9.004


Fidarova, Rima Ya.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 9.
The article deals with the theoretical problem of applying the method of
«folklore realism» in Nart studies. The most important methodological principle
of the artistic creativity of the ancestors of the Ossetians was the principle of
imitation of reality. And this is natural: the ancient artist tried to copy nature and
tried to comprehend the world and himself as a person whom he could not yet
separate from the world in his mind. And in the way the artist depicted the life that
he saw around, he reflected his idea of the world and about himself in general. In
everything that he managed to copy, reflect, create, he demonstrated his idea of
the artistic image as the most important creative tool in the process of reflection.
Thus, the “second reality” was created, which is a copy of the “first”, objective
reality, thanks to the principle of imitation of reality. Gradually, in the subjective
consciousness of the ancient artist, through the artistic image, its complication
and enrichment, the concept of abstraction from the specific forms of real things
and objects that make up reality is formed. This is how his art becomes more
complex, becomes abstract in relation to the objective world. And, thanks to the
artist’s ability to abstract, this leads to the evolution of his artistic and aesthetic
consciousness. The principle of imitation of reality is transformed into «folklore
realism». Thanks to which, folklore reflected the collective spiritual experience
of the people, their customs, mentality, traditions, morality, etc. Archetypes,
common sense, folk wisdom appeared, i.e. everything that made up the essential
semantic structure of various genres of folklore and the Narts’ epic, in which
“folklore realism” was essentially conceptualized, gaining the power and strength
of an integral systemic holistic artistic method.
Keywords: principle of imitation of reality, artistic method, artistic image, «folklore realism», Narts’ epos, heroes, characters and circumstances
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