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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.16.9.011


Britaeva, Anzhela B.
Kavkaz Forum. 2022. Issue 9.
The article analyzes the features of the Ossetian prose of the second half of the
XXth century based on the material of the work of Alikhan Batyrbekovich Salamov
in the context of the main trends in the development of North Caucasian children’s
literature. The name and creativity of A.B. Salamov are introduced into scientific
circulation for the first time, despite the fact that the author was actively published
in the periodical press in the 60-70s. of the XXth century (magazines «Max Dug»,
«Fidiuag», «Nogdzau»), and the works were published in the collections of works
for children, as well as the individual books, his name is practically unknown
not only to the modern reader, but also in literary circles. This determines the
relevance and scientific novelty of the work. The undertaken research analyzes
the originality of the writer’s artistic world. Fabulous creativity of A.B. Salamov is
considered from the point of view of folklore literary synthesis, in his non-fabulous
prose the attention is focused on the fact that the writer acts as a popularizer of
scientific knowledge about nature, in addition, it is noted that a number of the
author’s works are a pedagogical lesson for adult readers. Special attention is paid
to the close connection of the moral aspect with the environmental education
of the younger generation, the specific features of cognitive, natural history
literature. The research project is dominated by a combination of a comparative
method of understanding the studied material. Hermeneutical and axiological
methods of analysis aimed at revealing deep meanings have made it possible
to explore artistic material more effectively. In the final part, the conclusions are
formulated reflecting the peculiarities of the development of Ossetian children’s
prose of the second half of the XXth century in the context of the development of
North Caucasian children’s literature/ In theoretical and practical terms, the work
will contribute to the development of the history of Ossetian children’s literature,
the study of its national specifics.
Keywords: Ossetian children’s literature, A.B. Salamov, folklore and literature synthesis, natural history stories, ecological aspect
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