DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.15.8.002
Dzaparova, Elizaveta B.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 8.
Abstract: For the first time, the article considers the translation into Russian by
L.D. Kipiani, the Georgian poet and prosaic, of the text of the poem by K.L.
Khetagurova «Sidzærgæs» (‛Widowʼ, ‛Mother of Orphansʼ, translated as
“Mother”). The author of the study presents a lexical and semantic analysis of
multilingual texts (original and translation), traces the degree with which the
translator reproduces the author’s intentions. In the course of the analysis, it was
found that the priority function of aesthetic impact on the recipient for a literary
text is achieved by L.D. Kipiani by using lexical units with similar semantic meaning.
However, the transmission of the symbolism laid down by K. Khetagurov in artistic
images does not always find expression in translation. Symbolic images that are
important for the disclosure of the ideological concept of a literary text: «ærgævst
halon» (a freezing raven), «sau ainæg» (black rock), «saudaræg us» (a woman in
mourning), etc. remain out of sight of the recipient. The author of the translation
does not always pursue the goal of reflecting the national-cultural specifics
contained in the semantics of the expressions «zarda kahyn», «buts kh’abul»,
«dudgk fabadyn», «qona», «gyzzi», «lystun». In the text of the translation, they
find their Russified versions or are not transmitted at all. But where the translator
deviates from the contents of the original, the created text is, nevertheless, in the
artistic manner, close to the author’s. The main idea of the work is not lost in the
translation: in the Russian translation the hardships and ordeals of the mother of
the orphans are also vivdly conveyed. L. Kipiani as a whole managed to depict a
picture of the life of the Ossetians of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, presented
by K.L. Khetagurov in his poem «Sidzærgæs» («Mother of Orphans»).
Keywords: K.L. Khetagurov, L.D. Kipiani, Ossetian literature, literary translation, semantics, image
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