DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.15.8.011
Gulieva (Zanukoeva), Farizat H.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 8.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the Karachay-Balkarian Nart epos using the
method of linguoculturological analysis. The subject of study was the vocabulary
found in the national version of Nartiada, related to military equipment (clothing
and weapons). Particular attention is paid to the means of representation and
specific properties, that are endowed with the designated objects of material
culture in folklore texts. According to their functional orientation, they can be
conditionally divided into means for protection (armor, shields, etc.) and means
for attack (bow and arrows, swords, sabers, daggers, clubs, etc.). It is noted, that
Karachay-Balkarian «Narts» speaks not only of the use of this or that weapon,
armor, but often describes in detail the process of its manufacture. The main
supplier of weapons is the Nart blacksmith Debet. Nevertheless, his assistants are
also wise Satanay, who knows the tricks of making weapons even more lethal by
using various poisons, and Sosuruk, who extracts specific means and materials for
making combat ammunition. Exaggeration is one of the most common techniques,
used to characterize the weapons of the Narts. The texts also mention the weapon
of the eternal enemies of the Nart tribe – the Emegens. Often it is endowed with
wonderful properties (for example, self-cutting swords). In addition, various parts
of the body of the giants themselves (spinal cord, esophagus, internal fat, etc.) can
act as weapons or means of enhancing their properties or improving the fighting
qualities of a warrior. In the end it is concluded that, despite the reflection of the
historical realities of the people-creator of the epos «Nart», when included in the
fabric of the narrative, items of military equipment are influenced by the laws of
artistic poetics and acquire qualities and properties, that are not inherent in them
in reality.
Keywords: Karachay-Balkarian Nart epos, ethnographic vocabulary, military clothing, weapons, means of protection
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