DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.15.8.009
Abisalova, Raisa N.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 8.
Abstract: The article deals with one of the motives of the Ossetian Daredzanian epic
− the motive of the chained hero, which in ancient times entered the mythology,
folklore, literature of many peoples and was called the «Prometheus motive».
The image of Prometheus belongs to the «eternal images» of world art culture.
The history of the chaining and liberation of Prometheus, both in ancient Greek
mythology and in the tragedy of Aeschylus, is positioned as toponymically tied to
the Caucasus. It was here that the plot about the God-punished and chained hero
became widespread in national myths and epic legends − Georgian, Ossetian,
Kabardian, Abkhaz, Vainakh, Armenian, etc. These laconic legends about Amiran-
Amran, according to Vs.F. Miller, are culminating in all the sources telling about this
hero. Both the ancient Greek Prometheus and the Caucasian, primarily Ossetian,
chained heroes presented in the works of Vs.F. Miller, G.N. Potanin, Dz. Gatuev,
D.A. Kaloeva, Z.G. Tmenova, Yu.A. Dzizzoity, Kh.F. Tsgoev and others. The image of
Amiran is compared with the corresponding heroes of the Caucasian epics. With
all the similarity of the motives of fighting against God and the punishment of the
hero by being chained to a rock or a pillar, one cannot fail to note the difference
between the Ossetian Amiran and the others. In Daredzan’s legends, he is a heroic
person, a true hero who performs many feats, conquers giants, and helps all those
in need. The son of the niece of God, the hero is close to the people, he defeats
enemies not only for the sake of demonstrating strength, dexterity, cunning, but
also to save family and friends. Unlike most of the Caucasian chained heroes,
the release of Amiran does not portend the death of the world, on the contrary,
the Ossetian Amiran, if liberated, will give people freedom and happiness. Many
motives in the legends about Amran correlate with the motives of the Nartov epic.
Amiran-Amran is equated with the favorite heroes of the Ossetian Nartiada -
Soslan, Batraz, Uruzmag, Shatana. In the work, his image is considered to confirm
the objective regularity of such a representation of the Ossetian hero.
Keywords: Amran-Amiran, mythology, epic, motive, plot, legend, Daredzan epic, Nartov epic, chained hero
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