DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.14.7.003
Aylarova, Svetlana A.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 7.
Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the aspects of the development of the
mountainous societies of the North Caucasus at the beginning of the 20th century.
- the role of education in the formation of a new economic culture, adequate
to the economic challenges of our time. The change in the economic culture of
the population was dictated by the socio-economic situation in mountainous
societies that formed a modern system of needs, but faced difficulties in meeting
them within the framework of archaic economic practices. This problem is
viewed through the prism of social thought - the publicistic heritage of the
Ossetian enlighteners Kh. Uruimagov and M. Gardanov. The enlighteners
proceeded from the present educational potential of Ossetia, its capabilities in
raising the economic mentality and culture of the population, and introducing
new agricultural technologies into the mountain economy. Kh. Uruymagov
wrote about the European and Russian experience of attracting primary and
secondary schools for the modernization of the agrarian economy and instilling
agrotechnical innovations in the conservative peasant economy. The enlightener
criticized the parish school in Ossetia for its «narrow-clerical» character and
indifference to the practical needs of the Ossetian village. Kh. Uruimagov proposed
to create educational facilities at primary schools as centers of transformation of
the economic culture of the Ossetian population. M. Gardanov wrote about the
deteriorating economic and environmental situation in Ossetia, the growing
pauperization and poverty of the masses. He pinned his hopes on high school
as an educational base for the development of a new economy. Education was
considered as the basis for modernization, since there was a limited number of
other modernization resources that meet the requirements of modernity - land
and capital. Knowledge and the public institution of education acted as the axis
of development of the modernizing Ossetian society.
Keywords: North Caucasus, Ossetia, Ossetian intelligentsia, Kh. Uruimagov, M. Gardanov, education, economic modernization
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