DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.13.6.010
Gabaraeva, Marina R.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 6.
Abstract: Technical progress and globalization that happened all over the world at
the beginning of the XXI century led to fundamental changes of value systems in
societies. The Internet and social media have opened up previously closed societies
and contributed to intercultural communication which led to the exchange of
behavioral practices. The millennial generation is the first generation that grew up
in the new information environment. In many ways Russian millennials are similar
to millennials in Europe and the United States. In this context, the societies of the
North Caucasus, which, according to many, are still patriarchal and traditional,
are of special interest. The purpose of the study is to analyze generational changes
in the North Caucasian societies using the example of marital and gender
relationships. Based on the study, the following conclusions were made: based
on the example of family relationships, there is a noticeable convergence of the
regions of the North Caucasus with all-Russian trends in the form of a decrease
in the number of marriages, a stable increase in divorce rates and a decrease in
the total number of children born. Feminist ideas are also gradually spreading
among the female population. Simultaneously, with the modernization of society
in a number of regions, archaization and Islamization are taking place, expressed
in the growing popularity of polygamy. The presence of different ideologies within
one generation are able to lead to conflicts, since these ideologies not only do not
combine, but also contradict each other and create unstable environment.
Keywords: value-normative systems, family relations, gender relations, feminism, generational changes
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