DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.13.6.009
Kulova Margarita, R. , Ivanova Ekaterina, Y. , Itarova Tatiana, Y.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 6.
Abstract: The article discusses the features of the relationship, inertia and variability of
the dynamics of household income and gross regional product indicators in the
subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District. In the context of the stagnation of
the Russian economy in recent years, the problem of the growth of GRP and income
of the population in the depressed regions of the North Caucasus is of particular
importance. The authors’ correlation analysis of the population’s income and the
gross regional product for 2000-2018 according to Pearson method revealed that,
in contrast to the Russian regions as a whole with their rather strong relationship
between the gross regional product and the population’s income, there was a very
significant discrepancy in the correlation coefficients in the regions of the North
In particular, in North Ossetia, during 2011-2015, economic growth and
income of the population were in a state of weakened mutual dependence, and
already in 2015-2018, this link became almost perfect, when the correlation
coefficient reached 0.99. Sharp changes in the close relationship between GRP
and income of the population occurred in Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, while
the relatively stable dynamics of the correlation coefficients of GRP with income
was characteristic of Ingushetia. In Kabardino-Balkaria and Stavropol Krai, where
low and negative values of correlation coefficients were noted, the dynamics of
household income and economic growth showed either a weak relationship or an
inverse relationship, when an increase in one variable leads to a decrease in the
other. In general, the divergence of the dynamics of the gross regional product and
income indicators in the regions of the NCFD reflects the inefficiency of economic
policy and the need for a more differentiated approach to individual territories of
the macroregion.
Keywords: economic growth, gross regional product, income, region, North Caucasian Federal District.
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