DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.13.6.005
Suntsova, Maria V.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 6.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the refinement of the methodological approach to
the study of the phenomenon of connotation in the Russian language. There is the
definition of the term «connotation», the structural elements of the connotative
meaning of the word are since despite the large number of works on this topic,
these issues still remain open. It is stated that connotative meanings are inherent
in common words with a specific subject meaning, while there are different types
of connotations. It is shown that connotative meanings are inherent in common
words with a specific subject meaning, which makes it necessary to expand the
boundaries of dictionary entries in explanatory dictionaries by supplementing
them with figurative meanings of words. Special attention is paid to the species
diversity of connotations in words with a specific subject meaning In this regard,
it is advisable to study the connotative meanings of words with a specific subject
meaning in the context of lexical and semantic groups. On the example of the
lexical-semantic group of zoonyms, it is shown that this approach is consistent
with the principles of the systematic approach, the results of the study have a
sufficient degree of generality and allow us to identify certain patterns.
Keywords: language, word, connotation, denotative meaning, connotative meaning, lexico-semantic group, zoonym
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