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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.13.6.004


Boldyreva, Olga N. , Li, Bonan
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 6.
Fairy tales as an artistic creation of human feeling, the spirit of childhood are
crystallization of collective wisdom, have important linguistic and cultural values,
reflect people’s views on human nature. Fairy tales tend to have a clear irony and
educational nature, using metaphorical methods to describe the subject, in which
deep truth manifests itself in a simple story. The cultural differences between China
and Russia are an important subject of language and culture study. In order to
better understand Chinese and Russian cultures, deepen mutual understanding
between the two peoples and strengthen exchanges between China and Russia,
it is necessary to study the conflicting characteristics of the Russian and Chinese
character, which is what this article has undertaken on the basis of fairy tales.
Based on the analysis of Russian and Chinese fairy tales, the article compares
the weak character of the protagonists and reveals the unique national styles of
China and Russia. By describing a weak character, noble spiritual qualities are
manifested. The fairytale genre of Russian and Chinese folklore has been studied
to varying degrees, but recently a great interest has been shown in the study of
Chinese fairy tales. In this work, we pursue the following goal - to carry out a
comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese fairy tales to identify common value
orientations. Chinese and Russian folklore developed in different ways, but today
the tale is one of the central subjects of study of folklorists of both countries.
Keywords: fairy tales, character flaws, contrast, culture, national style
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