DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.12.5.002
Abramyan, Rafael M.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 5.
Abstract: Noble dynasties, which formed a stratum of nakharars, have played
exceptionally significant role in the history of the Early Tertiary period of Armenia.
Actually, until the epoch of the Arab conquests, the majority of land, military and
economic resources of the country was concentrated in nakharars’ hands. In this
connection, different historical aspects, including questions of genealogy and
prosopography of respected dynasties are now in the sight of Armenologists. One
of the scientific problems which has been studied in depth for a long time is the
analysis of source credibility of medieval authors’ statements about nonethnic
origin of range of nakharars – Persian (Parthian), Hebrew, Chen (?Chinese),
Roman. For the history of Alania and Armenian-Alanian relations, the Aravelian
nakharar, which according to Movses Horenazi is connected to the dynasty of
Queen Satinik, is of substantial interest.
The article summarizes expressed scientific opinions on credibility of
statements about departure of Aravelians’ predecessors from the territory of
Alania, etymology of the family name, localisation of ancestral lands as well as
position of the clan in frames of nakharar stratum.
For the first time, on the basis of the whole corpus of narrative and epigraphic
sources, the data on currently known members of Aravelians is collected.
Information about seven family name bearers of V‑VII centuries is being brought
into light. On the basis of the available data, it can be concluded that Aravelians
have played a significant role in the key milestones of the Armenian history
during the period under review – Vardanid wars and fight against Arab invaders.
Acquisition of high Byzantine titles by the members of the family is of specific
interest. Phosopographical form of the Aravelians was made by the author.
Keywords: Armenia, Alans, the Aravelians, nakharars, nobility, genealogy, prosopography
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